motivating children from within
Call Gail on 07765 311 547

Lessons Alive: Facebook Live Plan for June

These are genuine areas of concern from genuine Mums who have attended workshops with me. I will focus on these topics at 9 am each day Monday to Friday on my Facebook page

I will aim to give you a take-away action so you can start work on your own child’s motivation. Please allow up to 10 minutes for each live session.

If you want to email any of questions or topics that you would like included or discussed, just nip over to the contact page and get in touch!

June 4th How do I gain patience?
June 5th How to understand my child’s approach to learning
June 8th I want to know more about getting the most/best out of my children
June 9th Looking for ways to connect with my daughter emotionally and reduce anxiety
June 10th How to have positive dialogue with children
June 11th How to avoid getting caught up with children’s arguments
June 12th Tips and tools to motivate and encourage learning
June 15th How to get a calmer, smoother running household
June 16th How to get cooperation without a war
June 17th How to concentrate
June 18th How to support my child when he starts school in September
June 19th I want to help my child ‘see’ his own potential
June 22nd I want to understand different learning behaviours
June 23rd I want to help my children feel better and enjoy learning
June 24th I am hoping to teach my child self discipline
June 25th I want everyone to believe in themselves
June 26th I would like to be able to teach my children to be respectful in and outside the home
June 29th I want to motivate my child to do their homework and to check it
June 30th I would like my children to want to learn and not have me imposing it
Bonus slots in case they’re needed! You never know, this might work!
July 1st Tips on how to control their moods without getting angry
July 2nd
July 3rd

Thank you very much! Onwards and upwards!


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