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Developing a positive attitude to learning

Families Magazine about developing a positive attitude to learning.

See Gail’s latest article about developing a positive attitude to learning on Page 5 of the March/April 2024 edition of Families Magazine.

No matter how skilled or knowledgeable a person might be, their attitude may well be the deciding factor in their future success, both personal and professional.

The second a child is born, its brain, with roughly eighty six billion neurons or nerve cells, ‘hits the ground running’ making connections through senses and experience.

Everything a young child does, feels, hears and sees creates pathways between these nerve cells, building a reference bank of experience. In the first three years, the connections the brain makes have risen to one thousand trillion. This is an automatic process. Ninety percent of brain development is complete by the time a child is 5 years old.

Although there is a default setting for the brain to function whether we engage or not, when it comes to learning, children who are actively engaged in the learning process are going to be far more effective and therefore, higher achieving than their peers who are simply ‘going through the motions’ of learning.

Read Gail’s latest article about developing a positive attitude to learning on Page 5 of the March/April 2024 edition of Families Magazine.


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