motivating children from within
Call Gail on 07765 311 547


Lessons Alive Founder, Gail Hugman

Gail Hugman of Lessons Alive

The 21st century is probably the most exciting time to be born in all human history but with so much going on, it is easy to see why many children get distracted and sometimes confused. Trying to work it all out, find out who you are, grow up fast, get involved and at the same time ‘learn your maths and English’ is a pretty tall order!

Lessons Alive founder, Gail Hugman (Cert.Ed.,T.Dip.M), uses modern methods to help parents give children the support they need for school.

When they are focused, independent and enthusiastic about learning children perform better and get more out of their education. By understanding what is needed and why, they are given the impetus and desire to do well in all they do and they begin to take more responsibility for themselves and their actions.

By far the most potent qualification Gail has is her thirty years experience devoted to the teaching, inspiration and motivation of many thousands of young lives, from all walks of life and all abilities.

Her roles have included class teacher, teacher of the physically impaired, special needs teacher, home tutor, middle manager and senior manager; working with all ages from infant through primary to adolescents and adults. Gail has worked in Surrey, Enfield and many inner city schools and has taught privately in America. She has a Certificate in Education (Cert Ed) with merit, a Teachers’ Diploma in Management (T.Dip.M), Consultancy Skills for Training and Development Professionals and is registered with the General Teaching Council.

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Call Gail on 07765 311 547


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Call Gail on 07765 311 547