motivating children from within
Call Gail on 07765 311 547


Feedback from Workshops

I went to the Lessons Alive workshop with Gail Hugman last night and felt inspired by her insights and approach, not only to the way children learn and how we teach, but also to the psychology behind how the ever changing world around us is bombarding their conscious minds and how we should respond to that. Everyone who is involved with children would benefit from hearing what she has to say, parents and teachers especially. Wonderfully inspiring and refreshingly relevant. Well done! A+, top of the class, five stars deserve a treat, star of the week etc. etc…!

Neil S

Yes! Gail is fantastic. She’s full of insight and experience in child development. What she has in her workshop is essential for anybody currently with a child, any age! Our children are in danger of missing out on some of the fundamental things they need to learn to be ready for the modern world and Gail knows what they are! Go and find out.

Neil S (from a another workshop)

Gail gave us lots to think about how we communicate with our children. I liked the visual brain/library tool to help them learn about the process of learning and that we need to “entertain their conscious brain”.


Gail Hugman of Lessons Alive has an extraordinary amount of knowledge and experience concerning children and teaching. She really knows how they tick and how to motivate them, and she shares her wealth of knowledge in a very interesting way. I believe she can help all children with any developmental and/or learning issues. She always gets results and is worth her weight in gold. Your workshops ought to be compulsory for anyone with children, No hype, just my personal opinion.

Barbara G

Thoroughly recommended.

Janet E

There are no words ,,, you just have to attend this workshop,,you will leave enlightened and empowered !!


Lessons Alive workshop on Motivating Children was an eye opener for me. It have me some excellent skills which I’ve been able to put in place & use to help my children achieve small goals. (And some bigger ones!) It was also very encouraging to meet other parents who have similar issues & ways they overcome issues with their children. Implementing these skills is key but not always possible when emotions are high! But it’s great to know there is a better way & changes can be achieved for happier children & parents both in & out if the home. Can’t wait for the second instalment & feel these type of classes should be available to all parents.

Hayley S

Feedback from Satisfied Parents

I first met Gail about 4 years ago at a networking meeting. As I listened to her, the hair on my nape rose and I just knew that she was the perfect person to my help my then 7 year old son. When she met my son, her no nonsense attitude and sense of humour appealed to him. She was very clear, from the outset, what she expected from him and he rose to that challenge. As a result of the work Gail did with my son, his handwriting improved, his organisation skills also showed some improvement and most of all, he was happier at school. When Gail told me she was writing workshops to empower the parents with her teaching methods, I knew that I just had to attend. The workshop was clear, enlightening and thought provoking. I am looking forward to attending part 2. If you have a child who is not doing well at school and you feel that the school is not reaching your child, then Gail and her workshops are an essential tool in your repertoire.

Sunayana C

Gail has begun to unleash that potential through a dramatic increase in his self confidence. I cannot speak highly enough about Gail and her achievements with Tyler. Her approach is totally bespoke, geared around the individual requirements of the child and the family.

Alan S

From Gail’s first visit, Joshua has been a different child at home, has had a new outlook and a much improved self esteem. He now excels at school and appreciates that school is a necessary part of growing up.

Tanya G

Ollie’s concentration at school has increased dramatically and he is more able to block distractions out. The term ‘outside the box’ springs to mind; each lesson/session was very unlike my child’s known learning experience and taught with great humour and variety.

Sue P

There is a strong demand for this kind of work in the world. Children and their parents need it and I would be most grateful to receive training in Lessons Alive.


Your passion for what you do and the effect on the children is your biggest attribute and is so infectious. I thoroughly enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. I went home and looked at the boys differently.

Sian T

Gail has inspired and motivated my daughter by teaching her how her mind works and how to take responsibility for her own work and actions.

She has also helped me change the way I react towards my kids behaviour and given me invaluable tools to use in order to make positive changes.

Gail is a pleasure to work with, she has an amazing way of helping children reach their full potential with her calm and encouraging nature while building up their confidence.
Her support has been so appreciated and she’s always there when needed,often right in the moment!

Thank you Gail for stepping into our lives at the perfect time.

Millie H

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Call Gail on 07765 311 547