Setting a time for homework
Homework doesn’t need to be the same time every day, but it needs to be a predetermined time.
Depending on your child’s age, they may appreciate being included in the decision making.
If you set a time for homework and there is no homework to do for school, use the time to practise times tables, writing or reading so the brain gets used to the fact that it needs to work at this time.
Set a time limit and stick to it – crucial
In my experience, struggling and battling to get a piece of homework finished accomplishes very little apart from resentment, exhaustion and hurt feelings (on both sides of the argument).
If the work isn’t finished in the time set, analyse why and take the appropriate action to help your child develop in this area.
Is the homework too hard? Too easy? Did your child not have the tools to finish the homework? Didn’t understand? Can’t see the point?
Prepare to limit distraction
It is difficult for anyone to focus on homework if the television is on in the background or other children are playing nearby.
Give your child a snack or drink and a trip to the loo first as well as having the tools to do the job helps to limit wandering around.
Help them
Children live in the moment, if a piece of homework is given to them at the beginning of the day, by the time they have left school and arrived home all could well be forgotten.
Ask your children if they know what is expected of them and if necessary explain the homework to them.
Children in this age group are developing links in the brain that will form the foundation of their working life. Used correctly, homework can provide the necessary practise for these links to develop and mature. It can be really helpful and encouraging if your child has your commentary and reflection to guide them.

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