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A holiday challenge!

A holiday challenge!

Here is a brainstorming holiday challenge for small people & their parents!

The challenge now from me to you

Is all about what humans DO

What follows on is a big clue

The rest young friend, is up to you….

holiday challenge
A is for Acrobatics
B is for Bouncing
C is for Calling
D is for Digging
E is for Eating
F is for Finding
G is for Giggling
H is for Helping
I is for Ideas
J is for Jumping
K is for Kicking (ouch!)
L is for Listening
M is for Moving
N is for Noticing
O is for Opening
P is for Playing
Q is for Questioning
R is for Running
S is for Singing
T is for Tidying
U is for Understanding
V is for Valuing
W is for Watching
X is for ???? Oh no, we’re stuck! Can you help us?
Y is for Yawning
Z is for Zebras – we all know that! But what can we do, please give me a clue.

Now it’s your turn. If you can make another alphabet of the skills you are learning and the things you can do which is different to ours, you can send it to us at We would love to have some displayed on our website. Good luck!


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