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Developing skills for good school performance

Families Magazine about developing skills for good school performance.

See Gail’s latest article about developing a positive attitude for good school performance on Page 6 of the May/June 2024 issue of Families Magazine’s Upon Thames (also available in Kent, Hampshire West, Chiltern and Solent East issues).

Many parents worry about their children underachieving or not reaching the expected level by the time they leave primary school or sit 11+ exams but there is good news. By developing your child’s skills it may be easier to improve their performance than you might think.

Research has shown that to be our most effective as learners, we need to develop a specific set of skills known as executive function skills.

Don’t be put off by the name! You have all these skills. Some of you will be brilliant at them, others less so but you will not be a stranger to them.

We are all born with the potential to develop these skills over time but they are not specifically taught as part of the curriculum in school, even though they are critical for effective learning and for everything we do in life.

See Gail’s latest articlein Families magazine’s Upon Thames* issue about developing a positive attitude for good school performance on Page 6 of the May/June 2024 issue of Families Magazine’s Upon Thames (also available in Kent, Hampshire West, Chiltern and Solent East issues).


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